Persistent cough is continuous reflex reactions that clears your throat and airways of irritants. The irritant can be dust, mucus, or germs.
Cough is a normal and healthy function of your body but Persistent cough is an indication of Five (5) acute or chronic diseases namely:
Food Allergies,
Lung Disorders,
Cough is involuntary reaction to the present of unwanted item in the airway which stimulate nerves in your throat and airways to send message to the brain. The brain instantly tells your chest and stomach muscles to push air out of your lungs. The air rush and dislodges the irritant. The air in order to forcefully expelled irritant create a rushing sound call cough.
- Types of coughs:
- Dry cough is a tickly cough that doesn’t produce mucus
- Chesty cough is a productive cough that produces mucus
- Acute cough is a cough that usually begins rapidly and is often due to a cold, flu, or sinus infection
Persistent cough doesn’t go away, it comes with primary symptoms like shortness of breath, and mucus production. These are signs of serious disease.
First and foremost, you are to diagnose to know the primary symptoms that will definitely point to any of the 5 diseases.
Below are the links to the Herbal remedies of the 5 diseases.
Food Allergies,
Lung Disorders,