Cancer, 5 Ayurvedic Herbs in Medication

Cancerous graphically illustrated

Cancer is a common disease among the rich that control not ‘intakes’. The ineffectiveness of the control of the rich intakes necessitated Ayurvedic medication.

Read and watch the Video on cancer. 

There are 5 Ayurvedic herbs in the medication for cancer treatment which symptom is persistent cough. Cancer is a disease of uncontrollable grow of body cells which invading ability to affect nearby tissues and sometimes spreading to other organs of the body. 

Common Cancer Symptoms

Unexplained ache or pain.

Persistent headache or blurred vision.

Weakness in limbs and dizziness.

Abnormal sweating, especially at night.

Unexplained weight loss.

Unusual lump or swelling.

Breast changes.



  • Changes of DNA:

These changes are called genetic mutations.

  • Environmental factors:

Environmental factors like tobacco use, diet, obesity, infections, radiation, and pollution can contribute to cancer.

  • Inherited genetics:

Inherited genetics can also cause cancer.


Types cancers including

  • Carcinomas,

  • Lymphomas,

  • Leukemias,

  • Brain Tumors,

  • and Sarcomas.

Cancers are named based on the type of cell they start from.

Herbal Remedies

The 5 main herbs in the Ayurvedic medication which efficacies of curing breast, prostate, testicular, cervical, and thyroid cancer 100% are






These are common herbs you can shops in your local herbs shop or

 shop online store. 

***Follow the for formulation.

Click Here for herbal solution for Disorders including cancer

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